Monday, May 26, 2008

#145 - idol is gone... but so is the vog

so, it's tuesday night and what am i watching on tv? no more idol, what am i gonna do every tuesday and wednesday night? okay, well, i actually do have more of a life than that, so i do have things to do. but, usually after all that i can come back home to watch idol, but, alas! no more!

oh well, actually, i'm watching idol right now (dvr... woot woot!). but after this i'm gonna delete it cause if i watched it anymore i'd just be a freak (more so than now) so after this i'm moving on. and tomorrow there's "so you think you can dance?" so i can transfer over to that (by the way, i love the fact that they used the "so you think you can dance" dancers during the finale idol results show, i thought that was really cool because even though you see idol finalists after the show ends, the so you think you can dance finalists disappear off the face of the earth so that's cool to incorporate the two shows, and in fact i think the state of american music and entertainment would florish with these kinds of shows more often, now it only happens at awards shows and then they've got all those requisite awards to gum up the show, but if they had something like what a lot of other countries have, like the japan red & white songfest or other european or canadian music shows, that would be so cool, but i guess american musicians are too high on themselves to do some kind of weekly performance show altogether with other artists, no they've gotta have their own shows or be the sole star guest right? oh well).

did you notice how long that last paranthetical reference was? haha.

but, taking a look back at all my previous idols posts (it started all the way back in post #108), i stayed pretty true to my convictions. i picked archuleta to win it all and syesha second (even though syesha got boring to me very quickly), michael johns was third and brooke white fourth. not too bad huh? but then again, i'm still 1-6 when it comes to my favorite actually winning american idol (i picked carrie in season 4). i didn't even see david cook coming, until he sang "hello." then once the top 12 were picked I went archuleta, carly smithson, michael johns, brooke white, and david cook. but i'm pretty pleased that i was wrong actually, it would probably have been a very boring and predictable season if i was right (well, predictable for me at least, obviously). so i'm pretty happy with the whole season.

anyway, back to the point, no more idol, but y'know i think this season is the first and only one that i would actually consider going to the tour concert, i could listen to most all the finalists again (carly smithson and michael johns did a pretty sweet song on the finale results show), plus there's no one that i really can't stand at all (even jason castro) so i think it could be pretty cool. plus it's be a nice excuse to travel for a little summer vacation, but i'd be a complete loser if i went by myself so no thanks. haha.

ok, now back to the point for real, no more idol so i'm moving on to other things. good thing was that the vog finally cleared this weekend and the sky is clear. it was messing up my life royally. well, not so much, but yes because i was feeling all sore throaty and sick and i was trying to stay indoors, running up my electric bill and being a complete couch potato. i've never had problems much before, and i very rarely get sick so this sucked. i was feeling all fatigued and couldn't go out and so the things that i wanted to during the week so i feel pretty crappy.

but finally there's blue skies this weekend and i got to do a lot, surfing at chun's today (waves were puny, but that's okay, i caught a couple of good sets that rolled in) and playing some tennis too. it's almost the end of the school year so that means time-off coming up for me soon, two more weeks to go.

by the way, i'm completely addicted to old star search videos on youtube now... been watching the stuff all day... i mean, what else am i gonna do without american idol on tuesday and wednesday nights? oh wait, yeah, i've gotta move on... well, tomorrow is so you think you can dance right? haha.

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