Tuesday, February 12, 2008

#106 - replace one with another

man is this valentine's day gonna suck. usually for valentine's day i try to do something nice for myself. well, since i never ever have a date for the vday i HAVE to do something nice for myself. so i take the money that i would've spent on my vday girl and buy myself something that normally i wouldn't indulge in. one year i bought a damn cool watch for myself. last year i think it was a cross necklace. i don't know what to do this year. i thought that i might actually get to have a valentine's day with a girl to be my valentine, but that didn't work out, vday came a couple of weeks too late.

so what now? hmm... i'm not looking forward to thursday.

i think i've gotta give myself something to dive into... fill everyday with activity and no wasted time. have something to look forward to everyday. well, i've got my workout routine, i can keep that going strong, and even add to it now since i've got so much time, so maybe we can do:

Mon: weight training after work, vball at night
Tues: run the dog or tennis after work, yoga at night
Wed: weight training after work, vball at night
Thurs: either yoga or vball at night
Fri: weight training after work
Sat: surfing and/or tennis
Sun: surfing and/or tennis

i write every active or exercise related thing i do on my calendar in green, so as long as i've got something green on my calendar each day i should be good. make use of all the free time i've got now. see? i can get excited about something.

oh, another thing i'm getting excited about... american idol was good tonight, i actually like some of the people already. i'm gonna root for that unilateral vocal fold paralysis guy 'cause i'm a dork with speech path on the brain. and maybe that ditzy curly haired blond girl.

plus... brandi's got a list of her favorite songs for the moment on the side of her blog, cool idea... i'm gonna steal it! haha, but my current music playlist is absolutely tied in to how i'm feeling at the moment so just in case you were wondering how i'm feeling right now, just take a look at the list and you'll get a real nice idea (because i'm sure you're all sitting at your computer going, "i wonder how matt feels right now?"). right. anyway, they're cool songs, check 'em out.


brandizzle said...

valentine's day is so overrated. it is totally there for consumption's sake. i do like going out to dinner and flowers and all that but really, that could be special any day. it definitely is more exciting on a random day than on a certain WONGI's b-day day. i mean if you're expecting flowers, chocolate, dinner, diamonds, etc then it's kind of a let down if it's not everything you wanted. for me the best v-day was when my single friend john and i just said f-it and went out to dinner together. he actually did get me flowers, which was so nice!!

i'm spending my day as such:
-sleep in
-have friend over for dinner (beef stew!)
-play dodgeball

not too exciting but lots of things i love all in one day.

you reminded me of my playlist, i haven't updated in awhile. good one! i love "wasted" too, carrie underwood is definitely an american idol!

Kat said...

Valentine's Day really is no big deal, though perhaps my view is a little skewed since it's always been a good day for me. I suppose that's the one good thing about having your birthday on Valentine's Day, though it sucks b/c some people only remember my birthday when they're single. But really, Valentine's Day is no big deal and was just created for the retail industry.

And which one was the vocal fold paralysis guy again? I remember I liked him but I can't remember which one he was.

And I also was thinking about stealing Brandi's idea. I think I will. I'm listening to "Wasted" right now.