Sunday, February 24, 2008

#110 - underwater camera

so, i absolutely need to get one of those underwater cases for my digital camera. this weekend brandi came back home for a little bit so we went surfing at white plains, bought an underwater camera along the way for some surf actions shots. well, i need more practice! every picture i took of brandi was completely off-centered. haha, it's weird to have to look through the peephole again after so long only using my digital camera, i guess i'm outta practice. but we did get some cool shots, i keep thinking though, "how awesome would it be to do this with my digital camera?" with zoom and that rapid shutter feature, we'd definately get some great shots. plus then on those off days i can just go snorkeling and take more shots to hang up on my walls. anyway, i've seen cases for sale online, but they're real specific to camera type (gotta be of course) and super expensive... well, it might be a good investment. until then i'll just have off-centered shots like this one!


Yosh808 said...
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brandizzle said...

you MUST get an underwater case for your camera!! that was so much fun. you need some practice and maybe next time you'll get all 9 feet of my board in the picture. we did have some great action shots though, esp the one where you're about to run over me. :)