Tuesday, May 22, 2007

#43 - ready

ready for summer yet? damn, i am.

i finally got to go surfing again this weekend, for the first time in like a month. man, my arms were sore after but it was nice to be back out there again, i had forgotten how much i like it. it was kinda crowded too, but the waves were semi-crankin' so it was all good, clean too, which i like muchly. anyway, that put me in a complete summer mood... a few more weeks to go and i'll be out there everyday, can't wait.

in the meantime, i've still got a few weeks of work to get through, and helping me do that is tv. haha. season finale time, here's my picks:

1) heroes - not bad at all. as far as season finales go, this one i liked. they FINALLY finished off that whole "bomb" scenario, albeit very cheese-ily, but that little end twist was alright. and, instead of leaving off the season with a total cliffhanger, they nicely ended the storyline and started a new one. i like that. it shows that those writers know what they're doing (not like some other shows, ahem **lost***cough**)

2) lost - okay, so i just ragged on lost, but i'm still gonna watch the 2-hour season finale anyway. hopefully they actually answer some stuff... geez. and we all know they ain't getting off the island 'cause they've got three more seasons to go so all i can hope for at this time is that they tell us all that crap they've kept "secret" since season 1... y'know, the stuff we all forgot about and don't care to remember again? but, dammit, i'll still watch

3) the office - this one was last week, but it was still good, and since it's a comedy they don't need huge plot changes and whatever, but they manage to put them in in a nice timeframe and heck it's just a great show anyway

4) american idol - i'm so sad melinda is not singing in the final. not that i really care who among the three of them was gonna win, cause they're all gonna have careers anyway, but poor melinda. anyway, i like blake but i hope jordin wins because she seems like she can profit most from being an american idol. blake and melinda will be fine. and hey, remember all those other people that people used to care so much about when they were on tv... everyone forgot all about them huh? just like next week they're all gonna forget about these two as well... haha.

on a completely different note: contacts suck. i've been having such major damage with my contacts this week that i've had to resort back to glasses... see?

can you tell what's wrong with my eye? hell if it know.

hmm... what else? oh yeah, since work's been kinda slow lately, i've had a lot of time to read all those dumb articles that pop up on your homepage everyday, but here are two that actually sounded kinda interesting: click here

this one says that since my ring finger is longer than my index finger i was "exposed to higher than average amounts of testosterone in the womb" which correlates with a personality that "tends to be logical, decisive, and ambitious." suck on that losers! haha, but go read #4 & 5... interesante?

i thought this onewas even more interesting though... i've been reading research articles lately on the "second brain" (not that one... higher, haha). anyway, the nervous system around your gastrointestinal system is actually a VERY complex network of fibers that have a lot to do with emotion, hormones, and even decision making. weird huh? so this article is proposing that listening to your "gut" and not to your head-brain could give you even more "instinctual" decisions than the ones that you think about. that's pretty cool, and anecdotally makes sense right? this one i'll have to try out...


Joseph said...

You had to admit.
Lost was freaking great and freaking frustrating.

But it was one of the most riveting TV shows I've experienced so far.

I literally shot up in my couch (kinda throwing Rahel off to the side in the process) when i figured out what was going on in the end.

9 months.


Yosh808 said...
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nure nezumi said...

okay, lost completely had me going, the whole time i was like, "great, another crappy flashback about stuff i don't care about." even when kate came out i was thinking, "don't tell me they somehow knew each other before the plane crash too, geez, give the coincidental a rest already." and then only when he said that they shouldn't have left i got that it was the future and NOT a flashback. i'm dumb. but it made the episode really good. i'm glad because if they didn't get off the frickin' island at least in SOME way i would've gone postal.

the eclipse? beats me, but i like the idea that they might start developing more backstory... hmm... i have to say that with caution because look what happened with lost. anyway, both finales were good enough for me. although guarantee by the time lost starts up again in 2008 i'm not gonna care about any of this anymore, haha! at least heroes will start after summer...

Jibberwashed said...

Ok. Is it me, or are these shows getting really predictable? I was on the fence with Lost, but these last few episodes were much better, still I thought the season finale was predictable as soon as I saw Jack driving. Totally stolen from Battlestar Galactica, and I feel like I know Brian K Vaughn's writing style too well to be surprised by much at this point. Oh well.