dating when you're a short guy
it's like the computer knew it was me or something... freaky.
anyway, then to top it all off, i was feeling all confident about trying to get myself a new haircut. i know, after that last post i swore off haircuts for the rest of my life, but realistically, i can't go all jeremy and only cut it once every two years, i don't think i could stand that. so, i started building up my nerve to walk into a salon again and i really wasn't going to go back to supercuts (EVER)... but i don't know man... i think it's just too easy and comfortable for a guy to pass up. so i did my research this time and (i'm actually very embarrassed to reveal this now, but i think it will do more good to confess so that any others out there who may be wary about it will find confidence from other people's actions) went online and actually printed up a pic of how i wanted my haircut. okay okay, stop laughing i'm embarrassed enough. i went on the supercuts website and i was thinking, "if i can never get a nice haircut ever, then maybe i should just do something completely different, cause obviously the other way wasn't working." it's like going to jack-in-the-box... my philosophy on fast-food is that it's only worth eating fast-food if it's on the 99 cent menu, then you sacrifice healthiness for price. so the last time i went to jack-in-the-box, well, i know that the food was gonna make me feel sick ('cause it's all fast-food oil nasty-ness), so instead of trying to order either the most "healthy" thing or the cheapest thing, i got the most expensive and most advertised thing on the menu (a 100% sirloin & bacon burger). haha, it was actually not that disgusting, and i didn't feel to sick afterwards.
so when i was looking for a new haircut, i told myself screw whatever i've been trying to do up to now, maybe i just need to pick the trendiest, most different thing and see if that works (and if it doesn't work, then i know i'll be doomed to go a lifetime with bad haircuts). so i was clicking around and looking at me square in the face was it, the world cup soccer haircut. now in my defense, the website commanded me to print up the picture and even on the picture itself it said "give this to stylist." so i couldn't fight it right? i had to give in.... and i felt like a TOTAL dorkus bringing in my picture to supercuts and saying, "make me look like this guy" but it needed to be done. that dagger to my pride and coolness (haha, if i have any coolness left) was a small sacrifice to finally get a decent haircut.
so that's what i did. like a huge dorkwad i went to supercuts, picture in hand, and told the girl to make me look good. she was actually a nice girl (and cute too, a handful of years younger than me but we talked about a bunch of stuff and she seemed cool) and she knew what she was doing. although she did cut my hair WAY shorter than the picture i brought, she did a pretty nice job of it. and she did NOT cut off my sideburns, nope, she actually asked! woo hoo! anyway, i'll definately try going back to her again, although i think the fact that she was pretty may have influenced my view of the haircut itself... but hey, if she can do that again, more power to her. ha.
so here we go... before:
shave your head.
if you do, i'll shave mine.
jeremy volunteered to shave his.
well he didn't, but we'll force him to.
huh... y'know, that's starting to sound like a damn good idea. think we can get mike in on it too?
it is a little too short but it looks good! the next time I go short I will get that same cut. i'm in a growing out/maintenance phase right now. but summer is coming up and it's too hot to have hair.
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