okay, i think we can stop the competition right here. i wasn't quite sure i wanted to jump the gun so early last week, but this week confirmed it... if melinda doolittle does not win it would be a damn shame. well actually, maybe not. i mean, when the show started out it was only the winner that would be the change to make it, but now it seems like if you're on the screen for 20 seconds you'll get your record deal and the winner is handcuffed by whatever contract they've got. blah, whatever, how many cds of idol winners have i bought? ZERO. so really, they just entertain me while i watch the show and then when 8:00 comes around i'm off to listen to real music.
anyway, i think that black back up singer is so far and away the best one there, girls or guys, it's not even funny. but since i'm not gonna run out and buy her cds if she wins or not, i'm content to watch her be great on this little tv show. see, even though it was an old kinda song, she create so many little musical moments with her dynamics, phrasing, embellishments that it was neat to listen to the whole way through. very controlled and seemed like she had the whole song planned out phrasing-wise (not like those other sing 'till you're yelling girls), i think those other contestants should really take a listen and learn from her.
but then again, if they were all that good then where would the fun be? no one to critique? no one to insult? what kind of tv show would that be? i'll tell you what kind... the crappy kind. so keep it going, and i'll just be thankful that they DO have a great singer to listen to inbetween all those other wannabes (not that the wannabes aren't any fun, but it's a nice relief to know that i'm guaranteed to like at least one of the 10 performances each night).
okay, off the soapbox now... time for ratings (because i've already bought into this production so i might as well stick with it and be a mainstream american):
1. melinda doolittle - of course, too bad she has no neck though
2. stephanie edwards - see? i'm starting to learn their names! i like that she sang a beyonce song, and it wasn't that bad
3. lakisha jones - i didn't like her last week, but she sounded more free flowing this week, so i'll give her props.
who can leave?
the two beautiful girls... too bad their voices don't hold up.
ps - since i'm on the subject of tv... lost is lame. do you think they could actually make stuff happen on that show sometime? take a page from "heroes," y'know that show with an actual storyline?