since i never seem to find anyone to share vday with for the past few years, it's been a day for loving myself (let me rephrase)... it's been a day to indulge. and since everyone else out there is getting all flowers and chocolates and whatever, i figure i'll treat myself to my most superficial cravings of the past year. let's recap:
i don't really remember what compelled me to buy this watch... at that time i hadn't worn a watch since elementary school (and it was the sweetest digital casio watch, y'know the kind). but for work i needed to keep track of time discreetly and for some reason i saw a picture of this watch and it was exactly what i was looking for. and i never buy stuff like this for myself, so that was big deal for me back then, and it made me feel pretty darn good about being alone on valentine's day.
2006 - a necklace
this one caught me by surprise, i never thought i'd be going around wearing a necklace, but there you go. haha, nah, this one had a dual purpose. in grad school i relied hard on faith and for some reason when i started working (even though that first year was absolutely horrid) i kinda fell away and lost track. so last year i got this to keep me grounded... and also i thought it looked cool. don't really know if it is cool, but what the crap i think it is so tough.
2007 - a blog
okay, so this year the indulgence is a little more metaphorical. although it could still be just as superficial as my last two presents-to-myself (not that being superficial is all bad). anyway, my vday present this year is allowing myself to create this blog (well, everything needs creation theories right? and nothing can have only a SINGLE creation theory, right?). haha, anyway, i'm allowing for some self-indulgence to be a little egocentric and create this blog all about me because, well, i got no one special to tell my thoughts to so why not tell them to everyone? haha, what, that doesn't make sense? my logic is much more advanced than your puny reasoning skills, so there.
Have you thought about renting at all?
yeah actually i've looked into renting, but with the prices the way they are right now i'd be paying just as much in rent as i would for a mortgage... so since it wouldn't make a difference in that i'd rather buy.
although, the way my luck is going in all these lotteries it looks like pretty soon i won't even have that option anymore, grr...
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