Tuesday, February 27, 2007

#9 - american idol, guys top 10

damn, american idol was funny tonight! simon = spot on, when he said that thing about the puppies i was dying (see above, the a-dawg, a year and a half ago). haha. see? he's the only one that knows what's going on on that show, everyone else is totally clueless. ahh, well, tonight's show switched up my favorites a bit, here's who i voted for:

1. white boy chris - hey he sang a song from my second favorite artist (not one of my faves, but oh well). thank crap someone can sing a song that was written after we were born, geez, why does everyone else pick such old, oldie songs? anyway, he sounds more contemporary at least, i like him
2. beat boxer blake - yeah he's not the best singer, but i like him. he chooses the best songs, jamiroquai? perfect! although yeah, it did look kinda like the video at the beginning (but that's okay 'cause it was a good video, and if you can "copycat" that, i give ya props dude), but at least it wasn't some old foogey whatever song
3. afro guy chris - i like him, kinda boring i thought the song, but nice voice and speaks real well
4. creepy little filipino guy - damn i think he's starting to grow on me, the creepy little fem dude..

who can go home?

the two black guys.... what? they sucked. right?

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