PART 1 - saying hi
i went through the whole day today with minimal social interaction. on most non-work days i'd probably call that a success (see previous post detailing my sheldon-like tendencies), but since i'm not working at all this summer i could probably use a little more human interaction in my daily life. doesn't mean i try to avoid people, i just have this combination of shyness and egocentrism that makes me come off as aloof sometimes (or so i've been told, the aloof part, i mean). i try to say hi to people, but it gets awkward y'know? like when you see someone you know, but not too well, walking toward you from a distance, when do you lift your head and finally say "hi?" if you're too early then you get the awkward silence as you're both still walking toward each other with nothing more to say, or you feel like you have to fill the void with inane banter until you pass, and then if you look stupid if you try and pull topics out of mid-air or if you actually do pick a conversation starter then it's awkward when you finally get to each other and then have to decide if you're going to stop and talk or keep going. and then if you make eye contact too late they'll think you're rude or maybe you both do it at the same time and then you both say something dumb at the same time and it's too late for anyone to recover! it's a mess.
anyway, so i've been trying to be more friendly to random people. it's easy at the beach, especially with haole tourists, but recently people have not been very friendly to me. like i'll try and make eye contact and say "hi" or "nice day" or "small waves, too bad huh?" or something dumb like that, but it's not so easy to get eye contact back, and then i look like a weirdo. but what's been even harder has been trying to say "hi" to my neighbors in this townhouse complex. man, it's so hard to get anyone's attention. i mean, it's cool that everyone kinda keeps to themselves and doesn't really bother with other people (i actually LOVE that about this neighborhood), but sometimes you just wanna say hi when you're walking to the mailbox and lately i've been getting the shaft man, geez. what's up with that? need more practice i guess...
PART 2 - wavicles
another thing i'm trying to do this summer is read more. i think reading would be a good "pass the time" hobby, especially at work, haha. anyway, i've been reading a book on quantum physics. i never liked physics in high school or college because thanks to phiga and her ill-conceived tofu tub experiment i've learned that pretty much any physics experiment that you do on the planet earth will fail. energy equations, friction coefficients, mass calculation, they all depend on pure conditions... of which we have NONE on the planet earth. but, theoretical physics is all about failed conditions and not actually producing results (of course, in order to back up those theories you have to tinker with the math or demonstrate principles or create matter, haha, but no one thinks the results are absolute). so the research into grand unifying theory and membrane theory and supersymmetry are totally fascinating to me. i read this book at the beach today (in between rain showers) that was describing the basics of quantum physics, the history of how we came to regard matter as an atom, then the parts of the atom, then how those parts act as particles, and how those parts act as waves, and how light can only sometimes be explained as being a particle, and sometimes be explained as being a wave and how it's so much more appropriate to think of it as both, a "wavicle." anyway, i'm just getting started into to, but i like reading about this kind of stuff so way more than fiction novels, with all that grand romanticized writing and overly elaborate phrase-work, barf. who needs it? get the point and stay there (and when you don't understand what that point is, turn on the discovery channel and have them explain what supersymmetry is).
PART 3 - the problem with sleep
man have i been having many sleep troubles recently or what? and not even recently. thankfully i haven't been having any of those bouts of waking up drenched in sweat in the middle of the night anymore since summer started, but i have been on the craziest sleep schedule. the other day i went to bed at 12:30am (just after midnight), couldn't actually fall asleep for at least an hour, and then woke up at 12:20 pm the next day (just after noon). what the heck? this morning was the very first day i actually woke up before 10 am and stayed awake for the rest of the day, but who know what'll happen tomorrow? i mean, at least it's summer so i can afford the sleeping in, and it would be okay if i was just like "catching up" on missed sleep, but it seems to me like i'll be sleeping this way forever. it's weird. plus y'know how your stress hormone levels rise to help you wake up? man that's been giving me the worst dreams. recently most of them have been about me worrying about still having to get my master's degree even though i'm already working, i keep dreaming that i've still got my research project to do, or i've got one semester of classes still to take and i think, didn't i do this already? and then i wake up SUPER relieved that it was just a dream. crazy sleep. crazy dreams.
well those are all my thoughts. wait one more, i kind a want a new camera. something's gone funky with the washout on this one, see? i guess i could keep tinkering with it, but it's probably time for a new one. and a new phone too. but anyway, so i'm gonna try and sleep well tonight. surf's coming up a bump tomorrow so let's see if i can get out there before noon?
i can totally relate to you post today. you see, i am house sitting for my friend (arna) at the oregon coast because her and her family are in hawaii! so i am here for about 10 days with two silly dogs. that is good and fine but i don't know many people here. luckily my bf and friends came to visit me. it was nice but a little much after no social interaction for a few days. it's not like i'm a hermit or don't like people but it's kind of nice to be alone for awhile. living in the city i am always seeing people and sometimes i don't necessarily want to see them. i do get denied sometimes on the HI thing though. portland is pretty darn friendly, i am usually the one who doesn't realize someone is hi-ing me.
about sleep - i love it! i've been sleep deprived for a few years now and i'm enjoying the sleeping in. of course i'll have to get a job and actually wake at a specific time but for now i am enjoying getting up whenever. the dogs tend to wake me up by playing but i manage to push them away and continue my sleep. ahhh...enjoy it!
Wow, Joy and I were thinking of stopping by whenever I'm at her house to pick her up or whatever and now I'm glad we didn't since you were probably sleeping! Oh, and yes, it is time for a new camera. Ours was acting up so we bought a new one for our trip. And yes, get a new phone as well. You've had it for what, 4-5 years now, yeah?
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