Tuesday, June 23, 2009

#263 - you forgot your flash drive

how much am i loving reruns of "the big bang theory?" THIS much. what's not to love? it's got nerds, science, socially awkward situations, and multiple (and well-varied) pop-culture-like references to all things geeky (from secret agent laser obstacle chess, to atmosphere-eating nano-robots, to skynet, and beyond!). it's so nerdy and i relate completely. okay, maybe i don't get exactly ALL of the jokes (meaning, absolutely none of the star trek ones... besides rock, paper, scissors, lizard, spock... which is an awesome and infinately more logical version of jan ken po), but dude i'm laughing the whole time.

it's because of sheldon... more accurately, it's because i have a lot in common with sheldon. okay, not to such extremes, of course, but throughout the course of a normal day i make a lot of sheldon-like comments in my head, i just don't say them out loud (like he does, haha). seriously though, i completely follow his logic on the show, totally understandable right? so geeky, totally like some of my aspergers kids, see?

plus they do things like fun with non-newtonian fluids... just like mythbusters.

in a perfect world i would be able to express all of my sheldon-like thoughts and everyone would completely understand because i am smart and awesome and completely right all the time. everything would be so much simpler... sigh. oh well, anyway, it's a funny show, it's like work, except i can laugh at all the socially retarded things they do because it's a tv show (well, except that i still laugh at them at work... but perhaps i shouldn't do that, haha).

go nerds!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

OMG, that shirt is so awesome!