Tuesday, January 1, 2008

#93 - new year, new yard

ok, ready? i'm gonna start off the new year positively. instead of wishing for the things that i think i should be experiencing at 26 years old, i'll focus on the things that i've worked hard to accomplish so far, because i HAVE worked hard dammit! acknowledge that, self! why do you keep bumming yourself out over the things you don't have yet!? dumbass.

anyway, let's start off the new year with independence and all the wonderful things that can stem from living on your own. take all those new-found responsibilities and reflect positively on them, it's no longer "i have to do the yard," instead it's "alright, i get to do my own yard!" and that was the new year's day plan... 1) wash the car, 2) do the yard. unfortunately the weather is rainy and non-cooperative so i've got time to blog about doing the yard instead. this is a picture of my yard when i first moved in... see how clean the lines are? all the mud nicely compacted and smooth. well, sucks to that, all that means is that i had to dig it all up to turn and aerate the soil!

so here's what my yard looks like now... after a day of working the ground with a pick-axe. i've only got a tiny little area, but damn if it wasn't hard work turning all that soil. i gave myself a couple of nice blisters with that little yellow tool there, but i actually had a lot of exhausting fun doing it. it's like real work, earth work, like a farmer. plus, very good exercise.
next step, which was supposed to be today's step (before the sugar bowl, of course) = mix in that redwood compost into the soil. i got myself a hoe and a rake, just waiting for that sun to come out and the rain to get the f*** out. haha. i don't really know what to do with the yard after that, i'll probably just plant grass first, put down a couple of flagstone-like stepping stones and try and plant that japanese-y tree in the corner somewhere. but i figure once the grass is in then changes can be made no problem, the hard part will be trying to get even coverage cause the mud out there right now is pretty much like clay, it needs a lot of work to get stuff actually growing in it.
well, wish me luck, hopefully i can keep up with the positive-ness and make this a damn good year...

1 comment:

brandizzle said...

good job getting things done! i commend your desire to stay positive or at least start that way. did you ever read "the secret"? it's all about being positive and making your own destiny come true. i know what you mean about hard work too. it's nice to work outside and use your muscles for something other than lifting lots of weights and looking good. getting back to the earth. i've always had this idea that someday i'll be a farmer. my uncle was really close to changing from an accountant to a papaya farmer. mid-life crisis i think but i helped him out one day, super fun. just put the ipod on and work away!