Wednesday, January 9, 2008

#96 - hasta la vista, baby

man, am i excited about this tv show. it's been a long long time since i was actually excited about something on tv (besides "the office"), but this one looks sweet. i've been preparing for "terminator: the sarah conner chronicles" by watching all the other terminators, luckily they've been showing them on tv and i've got dvr, score! hard to believe the orginal terminator came out in 1984, and even though i saw it after i had already watched terminator 2: judgement day i still like it. right now i'm watching terminator 3, and even though it's not a great movie... it made the right moves by hearkening early and often back to the first two movies for bits and expanding on the original storyline, i thought it kept pretty true, didn't leave any plotholes. that's why i'm so excited about this new tv series, well, for the terminator story and also because of summer glau, that's her up there. she's playing the bad-ass good terminator protecting john and sarah conner. and if anyone's seen her in firefly or serenity, you can bet she's gonna be a bad ass robot! the series is gonna pick up after T2 but how are they gonna keep it from running smack into the events of T3? how are they gonna justify the presence of a helper terminator after arnold had to take that lava dip?

anyway, that all which reminds me of firefly. too bad, poor show, got cancelled way too fast. i started watching it late, only after i found out it was written by joss whedon (who also wrote/created buffy the vampire slayer and angel). i think i like pretty much anything that guy writes, it's more "realistic" than other tv writing. i don't know, it seems more natural, his scripts are light, not all overly dramatic like every other show on tv. i recently found out that he used to be a writer for "roseanne" (another one of my favorite shows because of the writing) and he even wrote an episode of "the office" (my current favorite show). so i'm hoping maybe he'll have a hand in terminator, it seems like tons of actors & people from the joss whedon universe end up in the same shows (buffy, angel, firefly, serenity, lost, etc).

speaking of buffy... just thought i'd throw in another picture of eliza dushku, because she's hot!

1 comment:

Jibberwashed said...

I saw the pilot for Sarah Connor Chronicles about 6 months ago, and it's really good. Also, they find a way to obliterate the events of T3 out of existence. I think you'll dig it. Peace!