Sunday, December 30, 2007

#92 - foreboding

doesn't this picture look foreboding? it was actually a pretty good day when i took it, kristen's friends from japan came over so we took them around, tried to see some turtles at the beach so i snapped some shots at papa'iloa. it was overcast, but not too cold, and not too ominous the weather, but somehow all my pictures came out real trecherous-looking. this one was shot on the reef as the waves were rolling in over the shelf, it was a bit rougher than usual and the crest of the waves over the shelf was a pretty cool sight. it's kind of creepy to see such a large mass of water moving so quickly and forcing itself up on the flat tops of the reef.

anyway, i thought this was a pretty appropriate pic for right now, kind of ominous, see the thickness of the wave somewhat far off in the backgroud, yet rising fast and if not for the snap of the camera and the time it gives you to evaluate this moment afterwards you'd have no way to discern what to think of this moment until it's already upon you. okay, that was too overdramatically stated but i'm not going to go back and erase that. hey if i can make crap up like this maybe i should become an artist...

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