Saturday, May 2, 2009

#243 - wash

one more episode of dollhouse left... and it's been a great (but short season). i've always thought that topher had some elements of wash in his lines (great joss whedon writing) and lo and behold, who shows up as a guest actor last friday? wash! wash from firefly. and i was thinking "alright! another former joss whedon actor, but too bad he's just a bit part, i'd like to see him on for more episodes than just one." and what happens? lo and behold he turns out to be alpha... did not see that one coming. good stuff.

okay, so if you haven't been watching dollhouse... then go away, i don't like you. i mean, then you won't have a clue what i'm talking about but that's okay, maybe that will spur your curiosity and you'll start watching, well tough luck there's only one episode left, haha, serves you right for not watching it earlier. i mean, then you can get hooked now and watch reruns later.

in other news... i had to wait all the way from november to may, but finally the weather is hot enough and the skies clear enough to spend a great surfing day at the beach! seriously, this is the first time since october that i've gone surfing and i wasn't freezing my ass off cold. and it was a spectacular first day back too, the sky was clear blue, which made the water sparkling clear, i must've been about a dozen turtles, the wind was calm so the surf was clean as well. and it was decent sized, a bunch of shoulder-high rides and some sets that were probably head-high (well, my head-high, which is shoulder-high for other people). so i guess this year we skipped spring and went straight from winter to summer huh? seems like.

also, this is the first saturday in about two months that i've been free too. i mean, i've been having tennis each saturday, which has been great, by the way, i'm so glad i'm getting the opportunity to actually play competitively, with fun, non-intensely-pressured people, i just gotta get that confident mentality back in my head. i never really was much of a "gamer," i tend to choke much more often than i come up clutch. it's so frustrating, i had a match a week ago and i totally choked hard. it was like when i was trying to keep the ball in it would hardly reach the bottom of the net and then when i tried to swing out it's go soaring for the back fence. like i know i gotta keep swinging through to get that spin on the ball, but my arm always wants to slow down when i need to be accelerating. it's completely mental. in practice i can hit every ball in, but come game time it's like i forget how to even swing the racket. and especially since i play with mostly beginners i'm always hitting soft balls or little dinks and it kills me that i can barely keep my shots in the court! haha, but that's what it's all about isn't it? good practice for me to keep focused and keep my mind straight. days like today really help with that... sun, surf, kua'aina avocado burgers for lunch and i'm all good. i definately need a lot more of these in the future, gotta clear my head, let the junk stuff be washed away and come up clean.

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