Tuesday, March 3, 2009

#224 - things i miss

i miss 8-bit.

well, it's been a week since i've been quarantined, i'm actually feeling a bit better, everything except the sleeping (lack of), but this morning i finished the prescription of antiviral medication so i hope i don't start un-healing now... but lookie what i got in the mail, a new project. hopefully i'll get to post some "cool" creations soon...

anyway, after one week of stopping everything i would normally do in a week (i could almost call it a vacation, maybe one of those vacations to south america where you get kidnapped and tortured by colombian drug lords who stick needles in your back all day and force you to stay awake for 7 nights straight because you accidentally stumbled into their weed farms or something) there are some things that i now miss, like:

- lying on my back
- the sun
- using the backs of chairs (to lean on)
- looking in the mirror without wanting to barf
- feeling not completely disgusting
- moving
- sleeping all the way through the night
- pain-free walks to the mailbox

yes, the simple pleasures. but i think i miss sleep most of all. perhaps that's what got me into this whole shingles thing in the first place. before i got it i was getting less and less sleep each night, partially because i had the hardest time falling asleep and partly because i'd keep waking up in the middle of the night. and now, since i can't lie on my back, i've been having an even harder time sleeping (i just can't sleep on my side, it doesn't work, plus, it's the opposite side from the one i would ever sleep on, which i don't anyway, i sleep on my back... because it makes you taller, ha). last night was actually the best night of sleep i've gotten and i woke up 3 times during the night... still, i was able to go to sleep a little after midnight and despite those three wake-ups i finally woke up at 10 am. it was great! hopefully tonight goes well too.

anyway, it's tuesday, that means it's time for the american idol post:

1. von smith - like many contestants this year, he had some good moments and some excrutiatingly average moments. like, i can see why they would put him through to this point, he can sing well, but is it something that you would vote for? no. i think a good gauge of whether or not someone actually has a great voice vs. a good voice is how they sing the verses. anyone can sing a big chorus section but i think that the verses of any song are the best (or should be the best) parts. this guy could only do the chorus, so he gets no vote.

2. taylor vaifanua - too bad, i liked this girl from the first auditions, but i don't think she can compete. she does mostly the right things, picked a cool song, sang it fairly well, but just not good enough. no vote.

3. alex wagner-trugman - actually kinda funny this guy. but his voice is too weak and i couldn't stand that growly thing he was trying to do, dumb. but it was entertaining because he was such a doofus. can't vote for him though.

4. arianna afsar - wow, i really can't tell from that song/performance whether she's great or very crappy. according to the judges = very crappy. and since i didn't know what to think, she does not get my vote.

5. ju'not joyner - i didn't like it. i think his voice is too weak. i especially don't like it when people sing slow songs and they have to take like a million breaths inbetween everything, it just didn't sound supported y'know? like you wanna tell him "take a breath!" or "sing louder!" decent, but it felt like he couldn't support any of the words right? no vote.

6. kristen mcnamara - huh, i liked it. she's got the kind of voice that i can listen to for awhile. i also really like that song (remember when jordin sparks sang it though? that was fantastic, this one = not as good). but, due to the lack of good people in this group, i think i'll vote for her.

7. natahaniel marshall - does he emulate a troll doll? does he wake up and look in the mirror and say, "today... troll doll hair! go!" and that's the best thing i can say about him. yikes. that performance was total horror. wow. yeesh. ps - simon is right on this year. i'm completely in line with everything he says, spot on. definately no vote.

8. felicia barton - hey i think she was really really pretty in her opening video clip, but then on stage she didn't look as good... hmm, maybe it was the unfortunate bangs. the song sounded really forced though. too bad, i wanted her to do well, but i guess there was a good reason why she got cut in the first place right? no vote.

9. scott macintyre - so, i would've been happy if this guy was really good and then we could see what idol would do with a blind contestant (i mean, how would they walk across the stage? do group numbers? do that stare into the camera at the end of the song pose? would he eventually fall off the stage at some point?). it would be fun to see... but, unfortunately, i don't think he's that good. i don't like his voice very much and i think he's kinda boring. everyone else is caught up in the whole he's-blind-thing they go easy on him, but he's not that great a singer. good enough, but he doesn't stand out from the great singers he's competing with. not good enough for me = no vote.

10. kendall beard - i hope she doesn't make it so i don't have to see her dad do that retarded "alligator dance." as for her performance... good singer, but painfully generic. no vote.

11. jorge nunez - well, they had to put SOMEONE through from puerto rico to justify going there for auditions right? i mean, someone besides tatiana (haha, she's so crazy! in a fun way... fun to watch i mean... fun to watch and laugh at i mean). okay okay, no he actually can sing pretty darn good, but he's kinda like that guy from the first group = really good singer, but i don't care to listen to them at all. so, too bad guy, you don't get my vote.

12. lil rounds - well, i wasn't as excited as the judges were (but i guess they had to make her seem super good after all the other junk performances right?), but compared to everyone else she wins hands down. don't you think the producers rigged the singing order though? i think they knew they had to get danny, emo-guy, and lil rounds into the top 12 so they put them last on each show (recency effect, y'know?). well, i don't blame them, think of it as getting a good seed in a tournament, they performed well in the past and are rewarded with a good draw, haha. anyway, vote!

so, i think that probably lil rounds, blind guy, and one of the other guys will make it (maybe the puerto rican guy?). but i actually hope that kristen mcnamara makes it, i don't know why.

so that's it with this year huh? i gotta say i'm very disappointed. i mean, i really liked pretty much everyone on the show last year so i guess it's hard to follow that up, but i really don't care for much anyone this year. i guess my favorites right now would be kris allen, danny gokey, allison iraheta and lil rounds (if she gets through), but really, i'm not that invested in any of them. oh well, just have to wait and see i guess.

but man, the guys are really dominating this year huh? what if there's 9 guys and only 3 girls in the top 12? well, i don't think that'll happen, the judges will stick at least one more girl in there, but i think that tonight it might be hard to get two girl through... oh and also, i guess there isn't going ge a wildcard "show" with everyone singing again, too bad i think. so i think the judges should pick:

1. matt giraud
2. anoop desai
3. anne marie boskovich (or possibly jackie tohn, for variety)

OR!! maybe instead we go with:

1. tatiana del toro
2. nathaniel marshall
3. norman gentle

just for kicks... haha, but we'll see...

ps - what's up with paula? how can she remember all these people singing all these songs but she can't complete a sentence in less than 30 seconds (or at all)?

pps - when these judges are all saying "show a different side" that's crap. why? because they're the only ones who have seen the first side! we didn't see any of that! so why should someone, who's coming out to sing for the first time (a whole 2 min song), do something different from what got them to this point? i mean, look at how many contestants totally tanked this year. i was shocked. i thought it was going to be pretty difficult to know who to vote for this year but it's been SO easy (when i even wanted to vote at all), i can't believe how many of them completely blew it. if this is your first time coming out on "live" tv to sing, make it like your very first audition again. why try to show something "new?" most people haven't seen you before at all!

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