Thursday, June 5, 2008

#149 - 2 1/2 hours

so i've been having weird sleeping issues for maybe about a month now, from that eerie sunday when i missed like the entire day sleeping to now way too frequent afternoons that i come home from work and crash without doing anything the rest of the day. i've been attributing it to burnt-outedness from work and from working out too. i guess i've gotten kinda bored with my workout routine, which is a good and bad thing, meaning, i've gotten a little too complacent because i've reached a lot of my goals that i had for working out and exercise in general, including sports and stuff, so i've been letting things lapse a bit, but i thought that was related to my seemingly consistent tiredness. but since it's almost summer vacation and i'll have tons of free time during the summer to workout and exercise and play tennis and go surfing and yoga, etc., i've been skipping my workouts and taking naps when i come home from work. today i slept for 2 1/2 hours. i don't know how that happens, i don't mean to, it just happens. i wonder if there's something medically wrong with me, but my instinct is that it's burn out from daily routine and maybe i just need a vacation... which luckily i'll get in a couple of days so maybe i'll just hold out for that.

in the meantime... NOT working out has given me SO much free time lately. i've had time to cook and read the newspaper, and write on this blog. so here's me, after a 2 1/2 hour nap this afternoon watching the french open women's semifinal (see above: ana ivanovic, looking very hot, and her game's pretty hot too, vs. jelena jankovic with the winner to become the new #1 in the world and a place in the final vs. dinara safina, marat safin's sister) writing this post. next up, so you think you can dance at 7pm. i just had some soup for the first half of dinner (i love soup now by the way, progresso is awesome, i've been looking for ways to get my vegetables because it's hard to keep fresh ones on hand with just me eating them, and soup has turned out to be a great way) and during so you think you can dance i'll have my leftover curry and rice.

not having to go to the gym or yoga everyday or every other day has made life kinda peaceful the last few weeks, even though i like going to workout, it does take up a ton of time. i never really noticed much because i had been going so consistently that it became routine, but now that i'm not doing it, it seems like there's time for everything. but... i can definately tell the difference in not exercising consistently for about 3 weeks. i can't go too much longer like this with reversing a lot of the goals that i've worked so hard to attain, so it's a good thing vacation is next week already because i can already feel the out-of-shapedness creeping in...

ps - sad news... my watch died. remember this watch? it was a valentine's day present to myself. but it stopped ticking, i kinda want to wear it still, but that might be silly. so i'll take it to fossil and maybe they can fix it (or maybe it just needs a new battery), so maybe not so sad. still, broken watch, bad haircut, out-of-shapedness, not doing a whole lot for my confidence right now, which is why i'm at home waiting out the end of this week until vacation starts...

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