quick post again because i want some sleep!
1. lil rounds - EPIC FAIL! wow, okay so by now i expected the most generic song from her, but man she sounded awful! so i guess she stopped trying huh? i might too after all the crap the judges have been throwing at her, it was their own fault, they hyped her up so much and THAT was the mistake. ouch though, kara's "i'm not sure it was worth the wait" was kinda harsh. poor lil, let's all face it already, she just never really was that great (i thought so from the beginning, by the way). NO VOTE!
2. kris allen - man he picks some crappy songs, i mean, songs that i really really hate! which makes it hard for me to keep him as my front-runner, but i still like his style. aw damn it... i liked it. but see i still wouldn't buy it because i still don't like the song, i just like the way he performed it. can't you see it as a jason mraz-y coffeehouse acoustic performance? especially with the bongo drums and all and his voice is pretty smooth. oh man, i love simon's faces to paula's comments, and thank you to the producers for panning out when paula speaks so we can see simon's faces ('cause he's been doing it the whole season, we just didn't get to see it before). okay, he can stay as my top pick still... VOTE!
3. danny gokey - of course he would sing "september." bore me to death. of course, his voice sounds fine and that saves the song, but how vanilla. NO VOTE.
ps - kara needs to reach over and slap randy each and every single time he starts off with "dog, when i heard you picked [insert song title] this week i was like, i don't know dog, but you worked it out"
pps - why doesn't simon ever start off the judges' comment rotation? i mean, i don't blame him, he's in the pimp seat, milk it.
ppps - okay the producers need to slap paula whenever she starts predicting finals (especially more than a month until the final)
4. allison iraheta - sweet, this is the performance i've been waiting for from allison. i think her look is hideous (she totally looks exactly like miss piggy tonight), but her voice is rockin' (i apologize for the use of the word "rockin'"). VOTE!
5. adam lambert - okay, see, at the start he's singing like a normal person, and it sounds good. and then when he hits the chorus he starts doing the whiny/pained/girly voice, which sucks. wtf is up with paula, just put her out of her misery already. overall, i didn't think it was anything worth mentioning. NO VOTE!
6. matt giraud - ouch. man, he needs to stay away from those high notes that he can't hit. well, i guess this was kinda like his fun encore performance after being saved last week huh? well, i don't think he'll last one more week... NO VOTE!
7. anoop desai - what a sap-fest. anoop looks like he's gonna try and sell me a used mercedes. still, he sounded very good tonight (except for the last note), much better than in the past weeks, but still such a lame-ass performances, but i think he's got a big fan-base, so he might just edge ahead of lil and matt, hmm.... NO VOTE.
so, the verdict: lil rounds and matt giraud going home, anoop hanging on because his fans will only hear the good parts of his performance.
and my top 3: kris holds onto the top spot he held for the whole year, but allison is moving up to 2, and gokey to 3... but i still gotta say a kris vs. adam lambert (even though i don't like him and would never buy his music) finale would be the best way to go.
but we'll see... also, archuleta on the show tomorrow, ha, i still like that kid.
I F’n Love Wrestling: Being Buried
1 day ago
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