oh man, i SO cannot wait for this!
HAHAHA! that's at least one thing i can get super excited about, since idol's just not doing it for me this year. i mean, "the rat pack?" what a crap theme. geez, it's no wonder i'm not crazy about this season of idol. fantastically crappy theme weeks, dull as doornails contestants (even the good ones), producers who can't get the show to end on time without cutting out segments, and three useless judges (and one who has to spend his time trying to explain his co-judges). lookit, it's already down to the top 5 and i don't even bother to post before the results show. bleh, i guess this is how most people watch idol though right? casually and not like a creep posting a comment about it every minute?
now i'm not a total hater, i think i just see the show from a wider perspective. i'm not totally on the "vote for the worst" bandwagon (by the way, that site is now my #1 for getting idol news, haha, for people trying to create absolute chaos on the show, they're very good about keeping up with idol news, even from former contestants!). or maybe it's just because i don't have a real strong favorite this year like i usually do. anyway, here's goes the comments:
1. kris allen - still my top pick. i hated the arrangement, it sounded awful when he went from slow to fast back to slow again, it sounded really off. but he sang the song well, for about the millionth time on idol. i mean, i gotta search for the good stuff in it though y'know? it's nothing that really grabs you, so that makes it kinda boring, but i still like him so... VOTE.
2. allison iraheta - i thought this was a great vocal for her. i thought the whole thing was a step too slow, like there was too much break between lines, but she showed a lot of vocal talent with this song. still, i completely agree with simon about how both allison and kris approached this week... they're not gonna make people stand up and notice them, but people who are already looking at them will be pleased... and i'm one of the latter, so... VOTE.
3. matt giraud - wow, he looks like such a dope (jamie foxx also looks like a dope, but that's a different story). great song, but he sounded kinda funky... like he was twisting some of the words around weirdly, like he was actually trying to be one of those old rat pack guys. anyway, you can totally tell now that he don't got the vocal skill to compare with the other top 4 so he can go home now... NO VOTE.
4. danny gokey - doesn't danny seem like kind of a douche? i'm not quite sure why, but i just think if i actually met him and hung around for awhile he might be a douchebag. anyway, the first part of the song was crapville, but the second was pretty great i gotta say, although a bit taylor hicks-like... still, he's not my fave... NO VOTE!
5. adam lambert - geez, what else do i gotta say about this guy? ugh. first of all, can we quit it with the man-cleavage already? i mean, a v-neck is one thing, but he's wearing like my aunty's old teacher crazy shirts with the good-luck cat kinda necks over there exposing way too much. barf. so would you really want to hear this song on the radio? i think not... really if this guy auditioned two/three years ago, they wouldn't have even put him past the first round, simon would call him "cabaret" and that'd be the end of it. i mean, i guess it's good that the show can change as opinions change (not my opinion, but obviously someone's opinion), but "oh the hypocracy," right? NO VOTE!
ps - paula absolutely had someone write her some lines before the show... and then she memorized them! wow! good job paula!
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