Wednesday, December 31, 2008

#203 - Mt. Olympus

the day after christmas, ready for hiking, right? see how excited we all are?keane found a trail in manoa valley for novice/intermediate hikers, supposedly it goes up a few mountains, along the ridgetops, with great views of both valleys and at the top you can see to the windward side of the was a really nice trail... at first, see how happy nicole was at the beginning (keep this face in mind, as a reference point, because it gets progressively more and more disgusted)now, i like hiking, but i prefer dryness to muddiness and slippy-ness, so by the time we reached this first clearing i thought it was a pretty nice hike, i could've busted out the picnic foods and sat at the top for awhile, but we weren't even close to being done.the scenery was nice all the way (although there were some steep drop-offs which my fear-of-heights did not like so much) so i was feeling pretty good about it, even up until this ominous looking path appeared through the trees with the "warning: hazardous conditions may exist beyond this point" sign looming ahead.after that point it was crappily muddy and my feet couldn't find a grip for anything, but there were nice sights along the way at least, including this little thing sprouting by the side of the trail, nicole said, "i've never seen a purple mushroom before." and then keane laughed (get it?).by the time i took this picture i was pretty saturated with nice views and was really just worried about the incoming rain and wanted to be off the mud trail before the rainclouds hit (as you can see if you zoom in on nicole's face, she also was ready to be done with the hike... in fact, pretty much every picture anyone took of this hike gets better and better exponentially the number of times that you zoom in on nicole's face).so after that point we split up (into Team A and Team Smart, the former group deciding to climb the last ascent up the mud-walls and sheer drops into the looming rainclouds to the end of the hike and the latter group deciding to head back before the rains hit). it was way tougher going down that it was going up, the slippy-ness definately took its toll, but no major accidents until we got back on the established trail and i looked at the worn path before us and said, "now THIS is a trail," and nicole started to agree with me and then immediately slipped and fell on her ass, resulting in the above picture.anyway, we still got rained on while coming down the trail, but by the time the rains hit hardest at least we were back on the established trail so we got by pretty good and then cooled down in the picnic area waiting for those other guys to come back down.and while we were waiting there i found the coolest water fountain... it starts off like this, then when you turn it on, the top lifts off from the water pressure into this:cool huh? now you don't have to worry about bugs crawling in the water pipe or drinking leftover bird poop! i think this was the coolest thing i saw all day, hand down (including the purple mushroom).

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