Sunday, July 8, 2007

#53 - Fourth of July

Fourth of July! i'm glad most everyone could make it out to the beach on wednesday, despite the early wake up call and unfortunate morning weather. but once it cleared up it was a nice day eh? here are some pics from the fun day... so i tried about a million times to get these two pics upright, but i guess i suck so you'll just have to tilt your own head you lazy bums.

i guess we don't smile for the camera anymore huh? that's okay, this is funner.

oh, here's falcor. i don't know if that's his real name, but he appeared in the early morning at the beach park all by himself and took a nap in the shade by our camp. we named him falcor after that disgusting dog/dragon thing in the neverending story. but then i went home and looked up "falcor" on the internet and it actually looked like this:
gross! anyway, for a stray dog, falcor was impressively polite... he patiently waited off to the side when we started cooking for his scraps and didn't bark or be too nosy around our stuff. and he only once stepped up on our beach mats (then i had to go dog whisperer on him and show him who the humans were) and peed off to the side and then disappeared again. well, i think he got a pretty good meal out of us so a win-win day for everyone eh?

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