Thursday, October 15, 2009

#290 - happy house-i-versary to me...

BLARGH! today was supposed to be my wonderful 2nd house-i-versay and how does it start off? well...

1. woke up late
2. car wouldn't start
3. had to call my MOM for a ride to work (how embarrassing)
4. bad bad meeting at work (if only all i had to do was work with the kids my life would be great)
5. had to call my DAD for a ride home from work (how embarrassing)
6. found out i might get an even bigger pay cut with the furloughs
7. thought i had enough frozen chicken for my curry... but didn't!
8. too discombobulated to go to yoga

ugh. but, things looking up...

1. found some pork to substitute for the chicken
2. the office is on tonight
3. no yoga means i have time for a nap
4. order got delivered today

haha. how's that for my 2nd house-i-versay. gonna finish the night off with some curry and beer in my awesome self-owned home, look on the bright side and enjoy my solitude for a bit. then have a big sleep and a better tomorrow.


callmeMIKE said...

curry sounds good right now.
late night studying, blah.

i like your t-rex figure.
and that bed makes me wanna go to sleep.

oO and sorry about the furlough.
makes me think if i want to quit my job, cause it'll be kinda hard trying to find another one.

nure nezumi said...

yup, he's my dino-buddy... 1. he's a lamp, 2. i made him myself (and by "made" i mean, put together using pictured instructions).

yeah, don't quit your job in this economy... hell, i might just have to find me a part-time friday job! how about "beach bum," do they have any job openings for that? or maybe, kua'aina avocado burger taster?

callmeMIKE said...

haha, i kinda have to cause i'll be going to manoa next semester.
and i don't think my classes will work around my work schedule at the hongwanji. so yeahh. iiiidk.

did you get your t-rex and everything else from ikea?
hahaha, i wish we had one down here.

nure nezumi said...

nope, the dino is from (i love that stuff, but i'm a dork so...), most of my furniture is from inspiration, i wouldn't have been able to afford it, but every once in awhile they have these huge clearance sales, i just got lucky.

Jibberwashed said...

You should get a bike to ride to work. It's only about 1.5 miles away! Think of all that gas and carbon emissions you'd save.

On the conservative side, you'd be saving maybe $10 a week on gas, which is $520/year. If your bike costs $1,000 (which is pretty expensive), your rate of return on your bike in gas savings alone is 52%, which is a whole lot better than it's doing in a savings or CD account. You could probably get a really good road bike for less than $600, and it'd pay for itself in a little after a year. DO IT!