Monday, August 3, 2009

#276 - sharks! sharks! sharks!

yes, there is no other way to announce the beginning of shark week! you must say it quickly and with gusto.

plus, just today there was a reported tiger shark attack on a turtle on the north shore (click here). the witnesses said that the shark was chasing the turtle and then both the turtle AND the shark came up onto shore, beaching themselves, then the shark took a chunk outta the turtle. WHOA! man, that would've been something to see. yikes. and to top it all off, it happened at papa'iloa, dude, i'm there like all the time! well, not ALL the time, but i go surfing up there at lani's and chun's all the time.

still, i've never actually seen a shark up there. i'm sure they're there. underneath me somewhere. but i've never SEEN one (while surfing at least, i've seen some while snorkeling at waimea bay, and my dad has caught a few there as well). the only time i've ever seen a shark while surfing was at white plains, and they were way far out. i could see them because they were thrashing around out there feeding on something (it was too far away to see what it was, but there was at least of few of them, with birds circling overhead too). needless to say my heart skipped about a billion beats and when it started again i motored as fast as i could in-shore and got my bite-able little ass outta there!

probably weren't tiger sharks though... probably some kind of pack shark like galapagos or something (those are the kind that i saw on that shark cage tour that i went on a year ago remember this? and this?). still, freaky, especially knowing that some sharks do this:

MAN! well i've got most of my shark week still on dvr (today i finished up those quantum physics shows... super interesting, but ultimately disappointing because we really haven't figured out all those physic problems yet, so all those shows are left hanging), but i did watch air jaws II: even higher (yes, that's really what it was called). when i was a kid watching shark week, i never really got frightened by these shows, mostly because i knew i wasn't a seal so had no fear of being eaten, but man, that's some awesome footage.

more shark week updates to come, you and me are gonna learn a LOT this week, heh heh...

1 comment:

callmeMIKE said...

so i'm doing the same, following your comment onto your blog.

Yeah, baseball isn't the most funnest sport to watch, but I've grown a liking to it. Cause at work during the summer, I had a group with baseball boys, and they'd talk about baseball all the time. So during an activity, they taught me all these terms of baseball, and it made it fun to play and watch when you know these things. HAHA. So yeah, I told my friend about this liking for baseball, so she said lets watch a UH game, I have yet to see a baseball game LIVE. I'll prolly blog about it too. But yeah, usually if I'm bored, or lots on my mind, I feel like blogging. I feel they're not interesting, but HAHA, I've gone one person to comment me. And it seems that I've tricked you into reading my blogs. HAHA, nah, maybe not. But thanks for reading my blogs man, I appreciate it :)

anywho, I know the feeling of the constant thought that there could be a shark under you. If it's not the thought of hitting the reef when surfing, then it's sharks. I'm deeply terrified of sharks, yet I want to go on those shark tours. But idk how I'd feel about putting myself in the same bubble of a shark. Crazyyy.