Monday, June 15, 2009

#260 - dogs at the beach

what up? dogs at the beach baby. better than snakes on a plane (sorry, it was just on tv... and it's summertime... i don't have to explain myself...). anyway, it's finally summertime and i can do ridiculous things like trying to take the a-dawg to the beach. and ridiculous it was. granted, she did way better on her very first beach encounter than i thought (the very first thing she did, after dragging me across the sand, was hop right into the water and swim around, finally some of that innate laborador nature coming out), but the car ride out there was nuts.first of all, i had prepared the backseat all covered and ready for her to chill, but on the drive she hopped herself right up to the front seat like she was meant to be there and bothered me the whole way down (luckily she's not very stable so she kept falling down on the turns, haha). plus now my car smells like dog AND wet dog and i've got white hairs flying up everywhere when i roll down the windows... reminds me of my old car, with the (heavily protested, by me) sheepskin seat covers.but once she got to the beach, at least, she was pretty mellow. she likes to sit in shrub-ery so she found a nice spot in the half-flower bushes. went for a swim a couple of times, she's pretty good at it, she didn't like the waves so much but when it was pretty flat she was ready to jet on out to open ocean, i had to call her back a couple of times. i mean, i'm sure she'd be okay, but it was really rocky and i didn't want to scrape up all my knees following her out too far. next time i'll have to find a nicer swimming spot for her second beach trip.dutch came along too and kept things exciting as always. dutch is really a lab, much more so than allie, so it's good for allie to watch some other dogs and maybe pick up some lab behavior. she's so anti-social. loving humans, ignoring other dogs, what a wuss. won't even fetch the tennis balls we brought. but at least now she knows that she likes to swim (poor thing is totally deprived of all dog-like activity at my parents' house) so looks like i'll have more dog at the beach sessions to look forward to this summer. maybe sooner rather than later because the weather has just been fan-frickin'-tastic... and since north shore has been flat as a lake now's a good time to take the dog (i mean, surf's been pumping on the south shore, but i'm a north shore kinda guy... i'll wait for my clean haleiwa waves to roll in next week, boom).

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