wednesday - after volleyball i went to longs and safeway, but had to rush outta there (and i mean RUSH outta there) and book it home 'cause my tummy was way upset at me... but i didn't think anything of it, i figured i had some bad poke
thursday - regular day, kinda itchy on my back, i figured i got a bug bite
friday - regular day, still itchy on my back, checked it out best i could in the mirror, figured it was a spider bite, but maybe a pretty nasty spider, worked out in the afternoon
saturday - went surfing, kinda embarrassed to have this weird ugly spider bite on my back, but whatever, it was sun and salt water so it was cool, kinda sore, i figured it was from working out at the gym the day before
sunday - went to tennis, more sore, but i figured it was from surfing since i hadn't surfed in awhile, at night went to a family b-day party, tummy kinda mad at me again, then felt kinda queasy, but figured i just needed to eat something, and i felt better after i did, so i didn't think much of it
monday - went to work, started worrying about the weird rash (it had kinda become a rash now, spread out a little more) on my back... hoped it would go away, mostly though just because it was ugly and itchy
tuesday - woke up, went to work, PAIN PAIN PAIN PAIN!! the grossness of the rash intensified and i was getting stabbed all over my back every second. couldn't even sit still, i'd wince and grimace at each needle poked into my skin. so, i went to the doctor, and bingo = shingles. gross.
see how disgusting that is? i can't stand that it's on my skin. eww. and i think skin is pretty gross anyway, i mean, the bump-ular-ness of it. i don't like bumpy things. or, i don't like when there's a multitude of bumpiness. or a multitude of anything really. i think swarms are absolutely disgusting and i hate when they magnify pictures of like pollen and stufff and it's just all little irregular (or even regular) bumps. eww. so when my rash started getting all bumpified and irregular, ugh, i was about to barf. just the thought of all that pustular-ness on my skin is so much worse than the pain, although the pain is very crappy. it's kinda like a jellyfish sting, a whole lot of them, every second, when i'm not even doing anything! i can understand when you roll an ankle and it hurts when you put weight on your ankle, but this is retarded. i'm not doing anything, just sitting still and i get stabbed... repeatedly. just like a damn jellyfish. at least sharks and stuff bite you to try and eat you, but evil jellyfish hurt you just because they dumb-assedly go floating by you, retards.
so shingles sucks. the weird thing is that it's always only on one side of your body, mine's all on the right side, and it's usually always in a distinct pattern. luckily mine is not so bad yet, kinda confined, and now they've got anti-viral medication to stop the spread of the rash and hasten the healing, so i'm on that now. still... PAIN PAIN PAIN PAIN PAIN! argh!
so now i'm stuck at home for the next week.. good because it's like a mini-vacation from work, but bad because it also means i'll have to skip working out and volleyball and yoga and tennis and surfing and church too. pretty much any contact with the outside world.
so it looks like i'll be giving up social interaction for lent. and also i'll have to give up lying on my right side... ouch.
ps - this sucks!
I took the leap and looked at the pictures. I hope you feel better soon.
I actually never had the chicken pox, so I don't know what it or shingles is like. Based on your post, I'm glad I never did and got the vaccine instead.
very brave, congratulations! haha, seriously though you are SO lucky you got the vaccine! i don't remember much of the chicken pox cause i was in 3rd grade when i got it, but i remember it wasn't fun at all. and did you know there's even a shingles vaccine now? but you can only get it if you're over 60 years old or something stupid like that. bastards.
man do i wish i had gotten that vaccine... thanks a lot mom and dad! ha.
really gross.
it sucks being sick/quarantined. i am sick, think i have an ear infection or something but can't go to the dr cause i don't have insurance so i'm trying to figure out how to get an appointment at the free clinic cause i think all i need is antibiotics. lame. i feel perfectly fine except for a mild cough and a weird ear. i feel like i got water in it and it's kinda foggy, like i'm in a bubble. last time i checked i was not in a bubble. i could be wrong. :)
anyway, i hope your shingles goes away soon. yuck.
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