Monday, September 29, 2008

#180 - vs.

can i just say how much i love the fact that terminator and heroes are on the same night, and back-to-back? now let's just hope that everyone watches terminator and no one watches heroes so that those network executive people can see what kind of television is worth backing. tonight i watched a fantastic episode of terminator, no big robot fights, but a whole lot of robot backstory (actually "front"-story because it was a flash-forward to the future talking about the past of cameron's human-self... and they kept it all very understandable) and great acting too, i think. i just love this girl... it seems like all those joss whedon girls just have that right mix of toughness and cry-ability. and then after that i watched a horrible episode of heroes, full of generic "why are you really angry" scenes, over exposed super-powered people, and no likeable characters to be found anywhere!

i mean, c'mon, when no one dies and people can do whatever they want, then who cares what anyone does? it can just be undone, according to them. when people have no limits then what does it matter what anyone does? not so with terminator. the robots are flawed, the characters are flawed, they're not invincible and they don't have overwhelming power over everything around them. also, gotta love that terminator cares enough to develop and enhance backstory, rather than just creating outrageous twists and shoving them together with existing storylines through unseen plot devices. when you don't have integrity about your own show's mythology, that's when viewers (like me) feel disillusioned and kinda betrayed. if they're not true to the story they've built, then why should we watch?

in conclusion: good job to terminator, boo to heroes.

(ps - i KNEW that snotty albino bizz-nitch was a machine! ha!)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

hey matt. thought you might want to read this. it'll prolly make you upset.