Friday, October 12, 2007

#79 - the lookout

just saw this movie, i didn't know what it was about really when i put it on my blockbuster queue... so i was really surprised to find out it was about TBI! woo hoo! sure, i'm a dork, but i think neuropathy is just about the most fascinating thing in the world. and even though i'm in no rush to head off and get a second degree in neuroscience (i've got no more motivation for school, i got drained out of that after junior year of high school), that don't mean i won't read/watch/listen to every single interesting neurogenic article/tv show/whatever that comes my way. so, couple tramatic brain injury and a 100 minute movie together and you've got the perfect combination for me.

anyway, a pretty well made movie i think, in the respect that it handled tbi as the focal point of the story, but not so overpowering so it looks like some kinda PSA to seat belts. plus i'm a nerd and recognized the s/s of the disorder as they occurred in the movie. but bottom line, it was a storyline that was nicely in-tuned (if that's a word) with what post-tbi people really go through. i am especially fascinated with tbi because it's so incredibly common and can happen to absolutely anyone. don't you wonder, while walking around the mall, or going out to eat or something who around you might have had a tbi? i think that all the time, haha, because i see TONS of people who act like they should've had a tbi, whether they did or not, haha. but really, it's like being judgmental and biased in a good way, because i empathize more with strangers (whether i know or not about their neurogenic status), and i think it makes me think like a better person. in fact, sometimes i think that i must've had a tbi because i find myself doing tbi-like things more and more often... hmm.

point is, brains are cool. i think i might have to get back into adult neurogenics at some point in my career, something in the world is calling me back to it. eventually. maybe i'll get a tbi and then i'll be in therapy and then i can be that therapist who needs therapy himself. is it sad that i think that might be a pretty cool life? like, say you suddenly have a stroke and get aphasia and then you can't do your regular job anymore so you collect disability or whatever and then volunteer to be the therapist with aphasia who provides therapy to other people with aphasia? doesn't that sound like a pretty nice life? helping people out like that? well, i'm sure there are downsides... pretty big downsides, but at least you'd be helping people and it'd be like you really had a purpose in life. okay, i'm probably over-estimating the awesome-ness of that situation, but (getting back to the movie) i guess that movie just made me think that going through a traumatic brain injury like that would really give your life focus (how paradoxical is that?). i mean, you'd have so many difficulties that your goals would simplify up so much. but then again, you'd probably not want such a simplistic life and it would drive you crazy that you couldn't have more than a simplistic life (and who says you can't?).

anyway, i'm essaying here (remember how in high school, mrs. itagaki taught me that an "essay" is not just writing about a topic, but the word "essay" means a journey so when writing an essay it's not important that your train of thought is the same throughout... in fact, it's better when you use the writing to "travel" to new ideas)... but go check out the movie, it's very nicely introspective without being too overly dramatic. i liked it.

1 comment:

brandizzle said...

hey I didn't see this movie but it sounds interesting. I am also guilty at time of being really nerdy. heck, I'm still in school (and going crazy...) and learning lots about the body. it is an incredible thing. I am amazed actually at what it will put up with. you can throw so much at it and yet it still kicks ass.

anyways, about the Beavers - civil war isn't till december 1st and there is so much fb to be played before then. one week at a 'bout them BOWS though?! sorry I can't call them warriors still, I'm in denial. my parents came up here for the OSU-UCLA game (heartbreaking) then drove down to cali, did some gambling and sight-seeing then went to the san jose game this weekend. they are busy old folks.