Sunday, March 11, 2007

#20 - whee

check it out! i got a wii!

this one kinda caught me by surprise, i wasn't planning on buying one, but a friend of mine had put some extras on reserve so she offered me one, and well, i just had to take it. weird because i really stopped playing video games altogether after super nintendo. i never got into playstation or game cube or whatever, i like the 2-dimension-ality of super mario, i'll take pixels over 3D views any day. but the wii is something very different so i thought i'd give it a shot. and yup, i'm completely hooked now.

i've only got one game so far (the one it came with, wii sports), but damn if it ain't fun. i do that fitness test every day. but my fave is tennis. it ain't like real tennis, some things are a bit disappointing (like you can't really hit an inside out... anything), but it's just a game so how much can you really expect? it's good enough, and plenty fun too.. by the way, my tennis "skill level" = 2135, booyah! that's pro baby.

ps - in other tennis related news... Roger lost today! what?! in the second round of the pacific life open, geez, lost to canas who came back after that like 2 year drug suspension. man, shocker... but roger will be back, and now at least roddick has a chance to win something, haha.


Joseph said...

you got a Wii?


i want one..

Jibberwashed said...

You are lucky! I don't even have a television anymore! Also, I'm pretty sure they're coming out with a real tennis game, as wii sports is more or less a demo to show off what the system could do.